처음 할때는 아주 푹~ 빠져 생활이 지장이 올 정도로 열심히 했습니다만,
DISC1 클리어할때 쯤 부터는 이게 뭔가 아닌거 같다는 느낌이 들기 시작했습니다.
늙어서 그런가 보다... 라고 생각했습니다만, 뭔가 어긋난 느낌은 계속 점점 심해졌고
결국은 중간에 그만 두기로 결정.
개인 소감을 간단히 남겨 두면.
1. 노가다가 너무 심하다. 이건 완전 똥개 훈련도 이만저만이 아니구나.
2. 전혀 빠져들수 없는 스토리. 메인 스토리는 물론, 사이드 스토리 마져 전혀 재미있지가 않는다.
3. 불친절한 시스템. 숨겨진 파라메터가 왜이리 많은지...
4. 답답하고 짜증나는 배틀 템포. 필요할때 뜬금없이 뜨는 커맨드들.
로멘싱 사가 1, 2 때의 오밀조밀한 완성도는 이제 불가능한건가...
(그냥 30대 후반 아저씨의 공허한 넋두리가 아니라, 요즘 게임은 너무도 허술해...)
Name - Location - Did quest to recruit - # of quests given
Leshau - Baaluk - Y - 0
Rhagoh - Celapaleis - Y - 0
Violet - Celapaleis - Y - 0
Baulson - Athlum - Y - 0
Loki - Athlum - N - 0
Nora - Athlum - N - 0
Glenys - Nagapur - Y - 0
Caedmon - Balterossa - N - 2
I haven't bothered with these leaders yet:
Maddox - Royotia - Y -
Jorgen - Balterossa - Y -
Darien - Elysion - Y -
Gabriel - Celapaleis - Y -
Roberto - Melphina - Y -
Neo - Melphina - Y -
Vinnery - Melphina - Y -
Lukorra - Melphina - Y -
xThe dreaming rose
xWhen the rose blooms
xFor love the bell tolls
xGoodbye, sweet love
xThe broken seal
xThe disappearing knights
xThe reviving legend (Melphina)
xThe cosmos maiden
xWisdom's echo
xAfter a day's work (에류시온)
xSlumber of the lost fragment
xA voice from the past
xBlooming flower, singing bird
xThe losing game
xThe wanderer (Royotia)
xBravery and loyalty
xThe standoff
xThe rainbow bond (Royotia)
At Hatred's end (Melphia) ???
xThe Ancient War
xInto the abyss
xThe fiery revolt (salia : Mano / Shend / Aes / Manoryll / Vys / 바스? / Manryn / 케센? / Aen)
xThe war of a thousand years
xThe Hero
xThe silent soul
The slave traders / disc 2 퀘스트란 이야기가 있음.
[#M_Emotions|less..|Step 1 -
Person: Raphus
Location: in the Firestone pub in Royotia
Request: wants to give back some Wine he got from Rainn
Step 2 -
Person: Rainn
Location: in the pub in Balterossa
Request: He needs the Ring of Morning Calm from Alyssa
Step 3 -
Person: Alyssa
Location: Baaluk, on left side of the street next to the west zone exit
Request: needs 10,000G to purchase Ring.
Step 4 -
Go back to Rainn and give him the Ring of the morning calm.
You should receive the Ancient Scabbard and no proceed to Elysion and speak to Beauson.
Step 5 -
Person: Beauson
Location: Elysion, Genaade District, head down the ramp near the Southwest exit
Note: He tells you about a lady who had the map. With the power of deduction you should remember that Alyssa was talking about a map so go back to Alyssa and talk to her.
Step 6 -
She tells you that she threw it away somewhere (in that area). If you cant find it, its near the Guild door. Now that you have what you need, go back to Raphus in Royotia.
Step 7 -
Talk to Raphus and receive: Royotian Wine and the Godstone of Wisdom.
And you're done!!
How to get to Royotia:
From the Great Sand Sea, go directly south. You'll see a narrow passage way between two 'mountains.' This will take you to Lavafender.
From Lavafender, its pretty easy, just keep going south. It's the southmost exit in this zone. Welcome to Royotia.
How to get to Baaluk:
From the great Sand Sea, head north west. The valley 'exit' is after the very deep slope leading to that large hole. This will take you to the Vale of the Gods.
Vale of the Gods is pretty straight forward, only a point A and point B, no diversions. Welcome to Baaluk.
I hope this helps anyone. And thanks for reading this if you're stuck on this mission
xThe trade route
xA single soul
xA day's beginning
xAthlum's witch
xCelepaleis's witch
xElysion's witch
xNagapur's witch
xGhor's witch
xThe silver falcons:part one
The silver falcons:part two
xThe secret letter
Name - Location - Did quest to recruit - # of quests given
Leshau - Baaluk - Y - 0
Rhagoh - Celapaleis - Y - 0
Violet - Celapaleis - Y - 0
Baulson - Athlum - Y - 0
Loki - Athlum - N - 0
Nora - Athlum - N - 0
Glenys - Nagapur - Y - 0
Caedmon - Balterossa - N - 2
I haven't bothered with these leaders yet:
Maddox - Royotia - Y -
Jorgen - Balterossa - Y -
Darien - Elysion - Y -
Gabriel - Celapaleis - Y -
Roberto - Melphina - Y -
Neo - Melphina - Y -
Vinnery - Melphina - Y -
Lukorra - Melphina - Y -
Monsters to slap: Nussknacker x6
Location: The First Path, Siebenbur
No.3The Bloodthirsty Warrior
Monsters to slay: Crab x7
Location: The Fourth Path, Siebenbur
No.4 The Bloodthirsty Warrior
Monsters to Slay: Quien x12
Location: The Numor Mines
Reward: 2000 gold, Blueprint 1
No.5 The Bloodthirsty Warrior
Monsters to slay: Jhana Magus x6
Location: The Heroic Ramparts
Reward: Blueprint 1 (x 5), 3500 gold
No.7 The Bloodthirsty Warrior
Monsters to slay: Barbarossa x9
Location: The Aqueducts
Reward: Imp Weekly
No.13 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Dominator
Location: Blackdale
No.14 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Bloodthirsty Beast
Location: Ivory Peaks
No.15 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Void Intruder
Location: The Forth Path, Siebenbur
No.16 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Sledgehammer
Location: The Catacombs
No.18 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Whitehorn
Location: Aveclyff
No.19 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Snowtoad
Location: The Aqueducts
No.21 The Monster Slayer
Monster to slay: Nordri
Location: Aveclyff
No.25 The Collector
Obtain 3 Copper Ore
Reward: Blueprint 1, 1000 gold
No.26 The Collector
Obtain 2 Commemorative Medals
Reward: Hawk-eye formation
You can get these medals by dismantling a standard Katana at the blacksmith. You can buy the Katana for 525G from the weapon store in Athlum.
No.28 The Collector
Obtain 2 flasks of Natural Oil
Location: Most Dig Spots As A Rare Item
No.29 The Collector
Obtain 3 Horns
No.30 The Collector
Obatain 3 Vase Fragments
No.31 The Collector
Obatain an Elven Core
No.32 The Collector
Obatain 2 pieces of Shadow Metal
No.33 The Collector
Obtain 4 Passionblooms
No.36 The Collector
Obtain 3 Titicaca Leaves
No.37 The Collector
Obtain 3 pieces of Royotian Alloy
No.38 The Collector
Obtain 3 Dragon Eggs
No.39 The Collector
Obtain a Nymph Core
No. 41 The Collector
Objective: Obtain 3 phials of Ether Water
Reward: Amoeba Weekly
No.50 The Weaponmaster
Obtain a Warrior's Broadsword
Location: I upgraded the first sword you get using the blacksmith. You start the game with a Broadsword upgrade at the blacksmith to Combat Broadsword Copper Ore X2 Manticore Husk X2 Landworm Talon X5 +1280G then to Warrior's Broadsword Gaslin Copper X2 Light Metal X1 Vulture Fur X3 +2880G
No.52 The Weaponmaster
Obtain a Commander's Tabar-Zin
Location: Buy a Tabar-Zin from the weapon store in Celapaleis for 625G upgrade at blacksmith to Combat Tabar-Zin Copper Ore X2 Landworm Husk X3 Horn X3 +1600G then to Warriors Tabar-Zin Gaslin Copper X2 Grandspider Horn X5 Horn X3 +3600G then Commander's Tabar-Zin Steel Ore X2 Oilfly X2 Land Insecta Carapace X4 +12000G
No.53 The Weaponmaster
Obtain a Ramskull
No.54 The Weaponmaster
Obtain a Daimyo Katana
Buy/find a katana then upgrade; to Battle Katana Copper Ore X2 Fly Needle X4 Mystic Fiend Fur X7 + 1340 G Then to Ronin Katana (there is other upgrade options depending on how much cash/stock you have) Gaslin Copper X2 Grand Spider Horn X5 Mystic Fiend Fur X7 + 3020 G Then to Samurai Katana Weapon Recipe 15 X1 Steel Ore X1 Colossus Bone X2 +10080 G Then to Daimyo Katana Royotian Steel X3 Land Insecta Talon X6 Jhana Hide X3 +22680 G
Nightbloom (월하미인, 한손검) 이것도 죽도록 쓰면 184까지 올라간다는 말이 있네요.
에미가 강하므로 주는걸 추천.
Jager가 달라는 Schiavona 인가 뭔가도 주면 나중에 엄청세집니다..
근데 첨에 들고나오는 Poison lance인가 뭔가가 공격 192까지 올라가서 좀 망설여지지요..
(이 무기는 블랙데일 끝까지가시면 공중에 떠 있습니다 아주크게 가서 그냥 클릭하시면 습득가능)
하지만 이런 전설탬들의 특징은 나중에 웨폰아츠가 생긴다는 점입니다.
블루스틸은 블루레인
월하미인경우 나중에 대난설월화가 (히나하나가 쓰던..)
frostblade는 취설이 뜨지요.
웨폰아츠는 개인공격도있고 전원도있고 한데 명당 10만정도 데메지잡으시면 됩니다..
톨갈 도끼던지기 (Hawkarang)가 라스트보스한테 75000뜨더라고요....
웨폰아츠는 운으로 뜨기도하지만 AP소모가 82이거나 90이라서
이 이상만되면 아주 자주뜹니다. 꼭들 얻으세요! 첨에 평타로 모으고 콤보 일부러 놓치시면서 :)
귀신도도 첨엔 88이지만 최종버전은 150이 넘습니다 키르네아가 첨에 들고나오는데
88 에서 149로 129로 떨어졌다가 나중에 다시 150이 넘는 이상한 개조를 합니다.
직접 키워 본 건 이도류용의 타타라이치반이라는 건데요. 첨에는 파워 75정도 밖에 안되고 개조비도
참피온카타나에서 20000원정도만 들이면 가능합니다.
그 후에 갑자기 128로 올라가는 개조가 뜨는데,
개조비용은 11만원정도입니다. 속성도 5가지 중 하나로 고르는게 가능.
빙 화 산 전 독 으로 기억합니다.
각각끼워주면 평타로 20000가까이 뽑습니다.
이도류의 경우 양손의 무기가 같은 종류여야 얻는 스킬이 고급화되는 장점도 있는듯
(확인부탁합니다 이부분은..)
디스크2 폰해안 클리어후 -> 아스람과 에류시온에서 메인 이벤트 이후
아스람 술집에서 "마샬의 석판"이란 서브 퀘스트를 받을 수 있게 됨.
클리어하면 에미가 소환 렘넌트를 소유하게 되고 각지에 있는 블랭크 렘넌트(계약
자가 죽어버려서 쥔을 잃어버린 렘넌트)와 계약해서 아이템으로 소지할수 있게 됨.
Samurai Sword
+ (Royotian Steel 3 (주1) + Land Insecta Talon 6 + Jhana Rib 2 )
=> Daimyo Katana
=> Ninja Katana
+(Platinum Ore 2 (Royotia shop) + Fly fluid 4 + Large Talon 3 (grand spider in blackdale Quien monsters in Numor Mine, were wolf type )
Necrotic Metal :
Enter 7th path, right at the first fork, the dig spot is at the second fork against the back wall. It has mystic skelenyte and blacksteel also.
Polished Scale - Dropped in large amounts by Basilisk's in Ruins of Robelia Castle - Underground Tier
- Fornstrand 2에서 출현하는 Bune (히드라 계열)
Large Talon : Quien monsters in Numor Mine drop them. They are the werewolf type looking monsters that love to call for reinforcements.
Primordial alloy : Numor Mine -> Operations Area No.5
Royotian Steel :
Second entrance of blackdale go to the somber ravine and when you are there to to the end of the bottom of the map ( south) and when you are there you will see 2 points where you can dig,1 on the ground and other on the wall.
또는 Aveclyff 1층.
쉐릴 : 星海の巫女 퀘스트(별바다 축제에 참석하기로 한 무녀 찾기) 클리어 한 후, 星海の祭り 퀘스트를 클리어 한다. 이후 나가풀 길드에 등록.
(나가풀 술집에서 준비위원과 이야기 -> 폰 해안의 적을 모두 쓰러트린다.
-> 이후 나타나는 "데스"도 쓰러트린다.)
킬네아 : ~ 마녀 시리즈. 나타나는 장소는 다음 순서.
... 에류시온 -> 나가풀 -> 고르 ->황도 운델바르트(ゲピューラ街) -> 발테로사(商隊の庭) ->로이오티아(バイオン区域の雑貨屋) -> 멜피나(翠青広場) -> 바알루크(グレンチェ地区)
블랙 아웃 (ブラックアウト) - 적 세력 전체에 물리 데미지 대(大)
화이트 아웃 (ホワイトアウト) - 적 세력 전체에 물리 데미지 특대(特大)
치료의 물 (癒しの水) - 아군 전 유니온 HP,AP 특대 회복
시포울스폴 (シポウルスポール)- 적 세력에 술법 데미지 특대
페이탈 이클립스 (フェイタルエクリプス) - 적 세력 전체에 술법 데미지 초(超) 특대
발동조건이 까다로와서 그냥 운으로 얻기는 상당한 '운'이 필요합니다.
금기주문 (Synergy)는 총 5가지가있는데요.
Mt. Vackel 이 막혀 있음.
- 스토리 진행을 해야 열리는 듯.
황도 Underwalt 에 갈수 없다.
DLC 추가 던젼 : 초고대유적 말씀하시는 거라면 지벤뷰르 제2길에서 북서쪽으로 가셔서 문따고 들어가시면 된다.
6th path : Talk to a yama in athlum around the pub after the base fights, he will say something open up at north and he mentioned siebenbur as well, before the fight his word will open up 2nd path, after the fight his word will open up the 6th path. That's how i get mine. (거점 확보 이후)
Assistant sub-Quest Nightblossom Seed x 1 - This is located on a YVALOCK (name difference) and the only visual difference between this one and the Yvalmocks is that he is BROWN instead of blue.
Upon entering, the zone when you make a left, there is a boss spawn at the end of the "hallway"
One is called Birdwing, and the other is called Rockgrater, and the third is the Yvalock.
So if you see a giant moth or a hydra when you turn left, just head out and come back in until there is nothing there. Walk to that boss area, and a Yvalock should spawn.